Out on the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean, Isabelle could almost believe it was all hers. The yacht, the crew, the expensive diving equipment—all of it.
Someday, it would be. As soon as she found the underwater temples and made her fortune, she’d never have to rely on anyone else for assistance again.
Not even her sister. Then she could do it alone.
And maybe she should be alone.
“You’re deep in thought.”
She turned at the sound of Dalton’s voice, plastering on a bright smile. “I’m excited about the dive this morning. Just planning my strategy.”
“More likely planning how you’re going to spend that fortune you think you’re going to make when you find the temple.”
She laughed at the way he seemed to read her thoughts. She liked his honesty, and the fact he didn’t hold her treasure hunting against her, like Angelique always did. With Angie, she always felt like she should apologize for wanting. With Dalton, he seemed to enjoy her enthusiasm, her need for adventure, her honesty about wanting to find success.
Of course, she was lying to Dalton, but she was as honest with him as she could be. And she was relaxed with him, more so than she had been with anyone in a very long time.
“I don’t think I’m going to find the treasure. I know.”
“I like a self-confident woman.”
Just as she appreciated a gorgeous, rich man. “Are you diving with me today?” she asked, noticing he was wearing a wet suit. One that clung tight to his well-muscled body.
“Of course. I have to keep an eye on my investment, don’t I?”
“Bull. You’re diving for the adventure. You’re as interested in finding the temples as I am.”
He arched a brow. “I’ll have to make more of an attempt at being mysterious.”
She snorted, then turned to the railing, her nerves tingling as the yacht cut through the glassy water on its way to the designated location. When she felt the engine slow, she nearly jumped overboard in excitement, but maintained her outward composure. It wouldn’t do at all for Dalton to see her come undone. She was supposed to be a pro at this. But inside she bubbled over with a childlike thrill. This was her moment.
To calm herself down, she concentrated on inventorying everything for the dive. She focused on the tools, cameras, and equipment they’d be taking down with them.
Dalton was adept at ordering his crew. They moved like a well-oiled machine, lowering everything into the water.
Someday she’d be at the helm of her own crew, barking out orders. And they’d all jump.
She’d be their queen. They’d bow before her.
A thin veil of darkness covered her mind. She grasped the railing as a wave of dizziness overcame her.
Darkness. Queen. Minions bowing before her. Gruesome creatures, but they revered her. Sickening evil surged inside her. Everything was at her command. Wealth, immense power. She could control it all.
She blinked, biting back the bile rising in her throat.
Those weird visions again. That sense of evil, coating her like a splash of thick oil. She shuddered, shook it off.
Too much stress. Not enough sleep lately. She really needed to find this treasure so she could relax. She was starting to lose it.
It had nothing to do with the journal. Nothing at all to do with her mother’s words. She was imagining things.
Turning away from the railing, she focused on the tasks of getting ready for the dive. Soon, all was ready. She put on her tank and mask and lowered herself off the edge of the swim dock. Dalton followed, and they submerged, the crew following with the equipment.
Isabelle hadn’t done a huge amount of undersea exploration, but enough to be comfortable. And she’d always loved diving, had been enamored of the sea since she was a little girl, awestruck by the quiet solitude of blue water surrounding her.
No one had searched this particular area, concentrating instead at points northeast of their location. But she’d studied the area, the charts, the estimates, and knew where she wanted to start.
Call it a hunch, or whatever, but she’d been researching this for years. Others scoffed at her, but she’d done her homework. Anyway, that’s why she liked to work alone. She didn’t need the disdain of the scholarly types. This time she was going to find the temples. She was going to find Atlantis.
She knew this was her last chance.
Dalton stayed a bit behind Isabelle, content for now to observe her movements. She undulated through the water at a leisurely pace, her braided hair flowing behind her.
She looked like a mermaid, her body sleek and perfect as she glided effortlessly around coral and plant life. She seemed oblivious to the rest of them, at ease with leading the pack where she wanted to go. And she seemed to know exactly where she was headed. Her plastic map tied with cord to her wrist, she paused only occasionally to take a quick glance at the landmarks on it, then proceed.
It was so dark they had to rely on lights to see. Isabelle dove low, skirting the sea floor but not disturbing the sandy bottom. Finally, she halted to inspect a large, odd-shaped boulder, then motioned for Dalton, who swam up beside her. She pointed to the boulder and quickly jotted something down on the waterproof whiteboard attached to her wrist.
Boulder similar to other finds was all she wrote. He nodded and motioned to one of the crew members, who took pictures of all sides of the boulder and marked the location with a balloon buoy. They moved on.
They spent the entire day on the dive. They surfaced, ate lunch, changed air tanks and went down again. It was tedious, painstaking work, but Isabelle was relentless, covering every inch of the sea floor and missing nothing. She noted every object that could be related to the temples and never seemed to tire in her quest. By the time the sun started to set and they had to stop, Dalton was exhausted and waterlogged, and Isabelle was clearly frustrated. They climbed aboard and rid themselves of their diving gear.
“How about a shower and change of clothes? I’ll get the cook started on dinner and we can relax,” Dalton suggested.
“Fine,” she said, not even looking at him. Her lips compressed in a tight line as she marched off to her room.
Dalton followed, smiling as he made his way to his room, stripped off his wet suit, and climbed into the shower to wash away the salt water. The day was a waste. He’d gotten nowhere, other than furthering Isabelle’s treasure-hunting goal. She’d exhibited no signs of demonic behavior, though by the time they’d surfaced at the end of the day, she seemed about ready to throw a major tantrum.
That was frustration, and understandable. The woman worked hard. And he was impressed. He didn’t really know what he expected from Isabelle, but it wasn’t what she’d shown him today.
Maybe he’d expected her to be lazy, to let others do the work while she stood on the sidelines. The intel he’d gathered on her indicated she was into hunting treasure and getting rich quick, concentrating on digs that generated fast results and a big prize, then hurrying on to the next one.
That didn’t seem like her at all, at least not that he’d seen today. She’d exhibited the traits of a born leader—tenacious, determined, and driven, and seemingly willing to stick it out until she got what she wanted.
Apparently he had a lot to learn about her, including uncovering her secrets. Because the deets on her and the reality weren’t jiving. And he didn’t like being confused.
He dried off after his shower, dressed in shorts and a sleeveless shirt, and headed back outside to wait for Isabelle.
It was time to press her, to get to know her more . . . intimately. There was a lot more to Isabelle than what she showed.
He wanted to see what was written on the pages of that book she had hidden, what had upset her so much that she’d sent it flying across the room.
What made her so angry at her mother?
And why was she lying about who she was, about her sister, Angelique?
Dalton had a lot of work ahead. And very little time. So when Isabelle strolled down the gangway, he pasted on a smile. She, however, wasn’t smiling.
“Still upset?” he asked, holding a chair out for her.
She slid into it and he motioned to Dimitri, who hurried over with drinks.
“Thanks,” she said, lifting the glass and taking a long swallow of the cocktail. She set it down and relaxed her shoulders. “I needed that.”
He rimmed the edge of the glass with his fingertip. “The day didn’t go as you expected?”
“No. Unrealistic expectations, I guess. I apologize for my sour mood.”
“You thought you’d find the temples on the first day.”
She stared down at the glass. “Yes, I suppose I did. Or I wanted to. I don’t know.” She lifted the glass and drained the liquid. Dimitri came over and replaced the empty glass with another full cocktail. Dalton nodded at him.
“It’s understandable to want success right away, Isabelle.”
She stared out to sea, seemingly lost in thought. “I was certain it was right there, that I was going to find it today. Stupid, childish dream. I should have known better.”
“We’ll hunt again tomorrow.”
When she turned back to him, she nodded. “Yes. Yes, we will.” Then she took another long swallow of her cocktail. “I will find it. I have to.”
Something drove her. It was almost as if she was desperate to make this find.
Maybe funds were tight for her and she needed the resources. He could help her out there.
“Don’t push yourself so hard. I have plenty of time to kill this summer, so there’s no hurry to get this done.”
“I appreciate that more than I can say, but it’s not just the money.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s personal.” She finished her drink, and once again Dimitri was right there with another, though unobtrusive and barely obvious except to Dalton.
“Personal in what way?”
She grasped the new drink and took a sip. “I have to be successful.”
“Why is it so important to you?”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about this.”
Dalton didn’t continue, sensing if he pushed too hard right now he’d lose her. Instead, he let her watch the sun-set, sip her cocktail, and mull over her own thoughts. He did the same, plotting his next move. She finished that drink and Dimitri brought another, this time sliding it onto the table with their dinner.
Isabelle picked at the food, but downed her drink. Dalton made sure her glass stayed full.
Yeah, he was trying to get her drunk, mainly so she’d loosen up and possibly reveal something. And she did seem to be relaxing. By the time the sun was down and the moon came up, Isabelle seemed to have lost that rigid edge she’d carried since they surfaced this afternoon. She was even smiling. They finished their meal and he dismissed the staff to their quarters, turned on music, and directed her to the lounge chairs. There was a light breeze, the night was balmy, and no other boats were nearby. Perfect.
“Are you tired?” he asked.
Isabelle slid into one of the chairs, stretching out her legs. “Not at all. This is perfect, Dalton.”
He took the chair next to her. “It’s natural to be disappointed when something doesn’t go your way. Happens to me all the time. I can be a real sonofabitch when I don’t win.”
She nodded. “I do like to win. And I’m a bitch when I don’t.”
“You don’t like anything getting in your way.”
“No, I don’t. I see something I want and I go for it. More than once that’s gotten me into trouble.”
“I know how that is. It’s hard not to want.”
“Damn hard.” She sat up, swung her legs over the side of the chaise to face him. “I want so much, Dalton. So many things it’s almost painful.” She fisted her stomach. “Right here. Sometimes I think that isn’t normal.”
More normal than she thought. “It just means you’re ambitious.”
She sniffed. “I’ve been accused of being greedy, of wanting things I shouldn’t want, shouldn’t have.”
Damn. It was like having a conversation with himself. “What happens when you don’t get what you want?”
She lifted her gaze to his. “I find a way to have it anyway.”
“No matter what?”
“No matter what. Life’s too short to let the things I want pass me by.”
His lips lifted. Despite the intel about her, he liked this woman. Maybe because she reminded him of himself. Which wasn’t necessarily a good thing. There were things he’d been determined to have, too. And they had cost him dearly.
“I don’t know,” she said. “Maybe I should learn patience. My sis . . . my friends and associates say I should.”
She’d almost slipped and said “sister,” which meant the alcohol was talking. Good. “Patience doesn’t get you what you want.”
“People walk over the patient. Ambition wins the prize.”
“And if people get hurt in the process?”
She shrugged, leaned back in the chaise again. “So be it. Sometimes you have to walk over a few bodies on your way to the top.”
Ouch. Did she really mean that, or was that false bravado? Her voice had changed, gone cold as she stared straight ahead and out to sea. Dalton felt the chill as if a winter wind had blanketed the yacht. An unnatural, icy coldness that evaporated when she seemed to snap out of her daze and turned to him.
“We’ll find the treasure,” she said, her smile once again warm and welcoming. “I’m sure of it.”
Interesting. Like a complete personality change that also affected the ambient temperature. There was much more to Isabelle than Dalton thought.
Though he wasn’t surprised to discover that tinge of darkness within her. He should be wary of her, but it only intrigued him more.
After all, he rarely met people like himself. But he’d wager she wasn’t even aware of what had happened.
She laid her drink on the table next to her and lifted her arms over her head.
Damn. She wore tiny little khaki shorts and a halter top. Said top pulled against her breasts as she arched her back, her nipples outlined against the light-colored material. Dalton stilled, not wanting her to move from that position.
The curve of her body was perfect. If she was naked, an artist would paint her in that pose. He wanted to move to her chair, trace the line of her hips and waist, down her legs and back up where the side of her full breast peeked out from the halter. He’d bet all the money he had that her skin felt like buttery silk.
She chose that moment to turn her head and gaze at him, offering up a knowing look.
Dalton’s entire body tightened, heating in a rush of lust and overpowering sensation. His cock roared to life and he could do nothing to stop the raging pulse of his libido.
Isabelle’s lips parted expectantly, the invitation obvious. All he had to do was take what she offered.
His breathing shortened, his circuits going haywire as his body centered on one thing. Woman. Flesh. He wanted to kiss her, to see if she tasted as good as she looked. But he didn’t want to stop there. His thoughts went deeper. Being inside her, moving against her, feeling her yield underneath him. How long had it been? He didn’t even remember the last time. All he knew was he wanted this. Right now. With Isabelle.
But he held firm, the revelations from tonight stopping him. They were too much alike; there was more at stake than just a joining of the flesh. He wasn’t even certain what would happen if the two of them . . .
No. He wasn’t ready for this, wasn’t sure he could even handle it. His mind warred with his body, the struggle intense as he fought against what he wanted more than anything, but knew he shouldn’t have.
Finally, he swallowed and turned his gaze to the sea.
He heard her soft sigh, knew he’d insulted her, but couldn’t figure out what the hell to say or do to fix it.
“I think I’ll turn in for the night,” she said after a few moments of anguished silence. “It was a long day and I want to get a head start in the morning.”
He heard her, but didn’t trust himself to look at her again. Whether it was embarrassment at his hesitation or his lack of trust in the raging beast inside him, he didn’t know.
“Sure. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He heard her walk down the hall, then the door close to her room. Only then did he exhale, lean forward, and drag his hands through his hair.
Fuck. He hadn’t been prepared for this. Everything else, yes. This, no.
He stood, trying to shake off the effects that lightning bolt of sensation had caused.
He’d had Isabelle all set up, primed, relaxed and ready. With a little coaxing, he could have gotten what he wanted.
And maybe an unexpected bonus.
But that wasn’t what he was here to do.
He walked to the side of the yacht, his fingers curling tight to the rail as he tilted his head back, searching the heavens for answers to his dilemma.
Could he really do this assignment? Even if it meant taking that next step with Isabelle, knowing what he was, what he was capable of ?
It was his job. He had to do his job, no matter what it entailed.
Even if his job included succumbing to the most sinful, sultry temptation.
He’d walked down that road before, hadn’t he? It wasn’t like the result could be any worse than the last time he’d chosen hell over heaven.